After-Hours: Helping with Work-Life Balance

Do you own your practice or does it own you? Many criminal and personal injury attorneys confess that their practice owns them. The freedom of being your own boss often includes significant family-life and private-life sacrifices, keeping you chained to your work. Legal Call 24 can break those chains and allow you to take charge over your practice.


Small Firm Challenges

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Though there advantages to owning a small firm, there are a lot of challenges as well. The necessity of working long hours coupled with the unpredictability of those hours present the greatest challenges to enjoying one of your kid's little league games, a special night out with your spouse, or taking classes to improve your practice. Keeping conventional (9 to 5) work hours allow for participation in activities like these, but most small firms can't afford to operate that way. The need for a greater work-life balance often goes unanswered.


Legal Call 24 Meets the Challenge

A Canadian Bar Association article on successfully juggling work and family provides six tips for meeting the need for a better work-life balance, including better organization, having a plan B, making use of technology, fostering supportive partner and family relationships, carving out time for yourself, and keeping your expectations realistic. Legal Call 24 provides after hours services that help you achieve most of these objectives, including: 

  • Client Intake. Our agents follow your customized intake process, allowing you to skip those steps and increase time productivity.

  • First Contact Logging. We record and log calls so that the details of that first contact allowing the attorney to be fully informed about the case without a re-telling of events or circumstances.

  • 24/7 Service. Our after-hours service is available twenty-four hours per day and seven days per week, allowing you to take a vacation, enjoy a digital detox, or whatever life event you need to tend to without putting clients on a back burner.

  • Priority Calls. We will escalate a call to a priority status according to your specific instructions, ensuring that you don't miss the most critical calls.

Using Legal Call 24 after-hours service allows you to improve the work-life balance of your firm without losing clients when you need to enjoy family and private time. Our service allows you to own your practice rather than your practice owning you. 

Contact us to learn more about the after-hours solutions provided by Legal Call 24.