COVID-19 is top of mind for all of us, and we want you to know that we are taking the situation very seriously.
Our focus is to ensure we meet your needs while doing our part to keep our staff and our communities safe.
We understand that you will be relying on us, so wanted to share with you the steps our team are taking to ensure that we can continue to answer your phones and help your business through this time of uncertainty:
• Our priority is to ensure that our staff remain healthy. We have increased internal communications so that our team have access to information and best practices in accordance with government recommendations.
• We have enabled work-from-home capabilities for the majority of our Agents and all our administrative staff.
• For staff that continue to work out of the office, we are emphasizing the need to be vigilant about personal hygiene as well as ensuring high traffic touch points are sanitized on a consistent basis.
• All software programs and key operating systems are cloud-based and available remotely and securely (ex. Amtelco script software, SalesForce case management, billing systems).
• We are working closely with our industry colleagues to share best practices and offer support if needed.
While the scope of this pandemic is unprecedented, Legal Call 24 has decades of experience in supporting our clients in emergency situations and are confident in our ability to continue to answer your phones.
Legal Call 24 is here for you and your business during this time. We are still available 24/7 to answer calls and to help navigate this unprecedented environment.
While we all hope that conditions improve as quickly as possible, our goal is to do everything we can to support the health and welfare of our community. We wish you nothing but the best during these unfortunate times and thank you for your continued support.